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    Our reviews


    Our family was going to move the next day when the fridge unexpectedly broke. I got half-day stuck calling to different companies and seeking the one able to provide the same day repair. By any reason, all of them could offer to send me a technician for the next day or even in a day. That was completely inappropriate in my situation and I’ve been desperate enough when Shelburnear website caught my eye. Calling to them I couldn’t believe my luck when the man on phone said that he would send me a service man to repair my device today. By the evening I got very nice man who definitely knew how to deal with my refrigerator. As a result, my unit was repaired and my move was saved. Thank you for superb service!


    Needed to repair the dishwasher. Called the Shelburnear repair company in the afternoon asking for today’s fixing. The request has been taken and the repairman came in the evening. Everything was done very quickly and not expensive. Getting the discount was another pleasant advantage of my using their service.


    The washing machine started leaking water. I did not understand what happened to it because the other day it worked perfectly and called this service leaving repair request. The maintenance worker arrived, disassembled it and figured out the reason. The repair required the replacement of some parts and he had everything ready with him. He did everything qualitatively and quickly, though as for me the repair was quite complicated. Warranty issued. A month has passed, the washing machine works as it should. Will contact again if the need should arise. Also, will know better the next time that the technician can’t arrive in 15 minutes on the first demand but within a couple of hours depending on how busy he is. Not a deal breaker, though.


    This fixing service is experienced, professional, and reliable. What is the most important personally for me, they keep their word. Contacting them by phone I was promised to get a technician to repair my oven the same day. Having come to my house exactly on agreed upon time he stayed as long as he needed to perform the complete repair of my kitchen appliance. The price I paid wasn’t overcharged with no additional fees. After repairing my device is working perfectly and hasn’t failed yet. I can get you a good rate up at the Shelburnear.


    I left the application on the site asking to repair my stove. The call back was very quickly asking for the details of my issue. I have described the situation as well as I could and asked for the same day repair. With inoperable stove, I couldn’t cook for my little daughter and that made me concerned requiring a fast solution. But my worrying was for nothing because the technician arrived later the day. He quickly did all the work and a simple way explained to me the reason for the problem. Also, he did a couple of tips so that this would not happen again. Thank you.

    Chris and Mary

    Our refrigerator stopped working. Everything happened suddenly, nothing gave us a reason to expect a problem. There was no light and it didn’t freeze. We understood that something wrong only when the fridge leaked. We came back from a walk with a child and found a huge puddle on the kitchen floor. My husband called the Shelburnear because they provide the same day fixing and we feared to lose our food if wait for tomorrow. The tech came in the evening and quickly found out the reason of our situation. It turned out that our not so small and not-bad sheep-dog squeezed in between the wall and back panel of the refrigerator and gnawed on the electric wire. Do not ask how, why, and when. We do not know! The dog is alive, the wire is new now. Thanks to the expert from Shelburnear for optimism, sense of humor and timely help. And yes, the dog did not suffer!

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